Scott has been using the CrossFit training methodology since 2010 and has trained alongside some of Australia’s fittest athletes. His passion and enthusiasm for the ‘Sport of Fitness’ is not only contagious but also addictive. He came across CrossFit though a friend of his that was using CrossFit in the Army and encouraged him to start. After falling in love with it he decided to open a Box and hasn’t looked back since. He looks at fitness as a lifelong journey with no short cuts. “I believe that how we train in the gym should reflect our lifestyles, practicing functional movements can really make our lives better.” He loves getting everyone involved, from his children through to his dad and seeing them not only improve but have fun. “Seeing the look on people’s faces when they achieve something that they couldn’t previously do is the reason I do what I do. CrossFit has changed my life and I couldn’t imagine life without it.”
Scott Lipman

Scott Lipman
Owner, Head Coach
Nickname: Scotty, Slippery
Favourite Workout: “Helen” or anything with Deadlifts or Cleans
Least Favourite Workout: AMRAP’s or heavy snatch
Favourite CrossFit/motivational quote: “Find your weaknesses, make friends with them, then beat them to death” Chris Spealler, and, “Whether you think you can or you think your can’t you’re right.”